Introduction from Microsoft:
About Microsoft Teams:
About Yealink T58A:
• 7 inch (1024 x 600) capacitive adjustabletouch screen
• Optimal HD audio
• Based on Android OS
• Microsoft Teams-tailored user interface
• Supports Office 365, and upgradability of device applications to Teams or SFB
• Built-in Bluetooth, supports Bluetooth headset
• USB 2.0 port, supports USB headset
• Dual-port Gigabit Ethernet, PoE support
• Full-duplex hands-free speakerphone with AEC
• Supports Microsoft/Yealink/Unify Square Device Management Platform
Recommended for Your Workspace
An Android-based Microsoft Teams phone, with optima HD voice and a 7-inch capacitive adjustable touch screen, boosts productivity thanks to its superior performance and consistent Teams-tailored experience. By offering great flexibility, it’s ideal for C-level executives as well as knowledge workforces and executive rooms.
The T58A combines professional hardware and software technology to deliver crystal clear voice communications. Thanks to Yealink Optima HD voice, SILK audio codec, and Noise Proof Technology, as well as hardware of a full-duplex hands-free speakerphone with AEC, and HAC handset, the T58A allows the user to concentrate on the content of a call.
To extend workflows seamlessly to the desktop device, the T58A offers a 7-inch 1024×600 capacitive adjustable touch screen, and a Teams-tailored interface, in addition to supporting the key calling functionality. Furthermore, it provides greater flexibility when it comes to cable management and allows the user to walk from the desk and continue talking from a short distance, suiting a wide range of needs.
About Microsoft Teams:
About Yealink T58A:
Matrix Technology (HK) Ltd 成立於2009年,香港為總部,主要為粵港澳大灣區提供 IP電話通訊方案,IPVPN 網絡方案,保安系統方案 (香港保安公司牌照 – 第三類別 :1702) 及 視像會議方案 的 通訊科技方案公司。
多年來, 我們將IP電話的應用方案引進到一些中港企業,當中包括:旅行社,商務中心,地產公司,零售商,中港跨境Call Center,學校及一些公共機構當中。我們憑著專業的技術 與 誠懇的服務態度 贏得各界的肯定與信賴。為了提升客戶服務質素,我們在深圳成立了 客戶服務及技術支援中心。除此之外,我們亦與世界各地的VOIP系統顧問公司成為合作夥伴。從而為客戶提供國際性的IP電話系統規劃。為客戶節省了不少時間和成本,並且大大提升了企業營運效率。
Matrix 將在IT,IP通訊 及 保安產品的領域上,承諾持續創新,並且繼續為不同的行業開發合適的VOIP應用方案,為企業創造貼身,可靠 及 高效率 的營商通訊平台為目標。
Matrix是一家為香港企業提供 IP電話通訊方案, IP VPN網絡方案, 視像會議方案 及 保安系統 的方案顧問公司
General Line | 一般查詢: +852 39001900
Sales Hotline | 銷售熱線: +852 39001988
Support Hotline | 技術支援熱線: +852 39001989
Fax | 傳真: +852 39001999